Thursday, December 11, 2008

Occam's Razor

I keep forgetting that I'm trying to update this blog often with the things that I learn because I've become so wrapped up in my CPC. Today was a slow day on the GI service and I'm switching to the busier service tomorrow, but I don't know if that necessarily means more learning. Since we had some downtime the GI doc I was with pulled out some old PowerPoint presentations that he had and we went over those. The first one was on esophageal strictures and we talked about dilators. Then we went over a case of a pt with recurrent reflux that did not respond to meds who turned out to have a duodenal MALToma.

Today's noon lecture was another CPC. It was a pt who had hemopysis intermittently every year who turned out to have bronchiectasis secondary to broncopulmonary sequestration and had a coil placed.

We did journal club yesterday and all I remember is Spiriva can be good for COPD patients but there is the question of increased cardiac complications.
That's all I got for now. Also Occam's razor says that the simplest explantions are the best and in medicine we take that to mean that usually there is one diagnosis to explain everything rather a bunch of different things to explain a patient's symptoms.

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