Tuesday, December 9, 2008


So I've been reading up on thrombocytopenia and acute renal failure for my CPC. I think I've got my thought process for thrombosytopenia down. Rule out pseudothrombocytopenia. Then figure out if is a production, splenic or destruction problem. I'm not so great with all the production problems except I know that myelodysplasia causes an isolated thrombosytopenia and leukemias will probably affect other cell lines. Then there are the destruction causes which can be immune or non-immune. Like prostheric cardiac valves that just shear platelets. But there are a whole host of drugs that cause thrombocytopenia - much too many to mention here.

I worry that I don't learn too much at work sometimes. Like today. I went and saw my patients from yesterday, but there wasn't anything exciting going on. Post-transplant diarrhea. Gastroenteritis. Heme+ stools in a patient with hemoptysis. No wonder why we still have to go home and read.

Well, that's all I got today. I'll look more in renal failure and vasculitis tomorrow. Off to bed!

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